"We're likely to see cloud infrastructure that hosts containers directly without the underlying VM, giving an extra efficiency to running in a container if you're cloud based - because the container has lower overhead than a cloud virtual machine, so you'll benefit with no real cost!"
"A docker image with the full JDK is around 0.5GB. With JDK9+ you can create custom JREs with just the subset of the JDK you need (jdeps tool helps identify which modules an application uses). A minimal JRE containing only the java.base module, eg ' jlink --module-path /docker-java-home/jmods --strip-debug --compress=2 --output java --add-modules java.base' with alpine linux and the musl-libc library in the image results in an image of less than 50MB in size (an order of magnitude smaller). (This is maintained in project Portola)"