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I had a bit of a rant about the difference between being able to use a profiler and being able to performance tune an application. It came from the fact that every site I have ever been to in the last five years has owned a profiler, but still had performance problems.
Of course, I have what is known as "experience bias". Doctor's don't tend to see healthy people visiting their offices to get a diagnosis, so consequently they can have a distorted view of how healthy the overall population is. People who have just lost their job and are finding it difficult to find another feel that the economy is not doing well, even when it is. The same type of "experience bias" afflicts me: I will not be asked to come and performance tune a project that is doing fine. But that doesn't change the fact that all those projects that I do get to already have a profiler. And they know how to use it, having almost always sent at least one developer to attend the vendor course. In fact I'm often presented with several saved profiles to look at, as one of my first tasks!
Knowing how to use the profiler doesn't seem to be quite enough. Knowing how to performance tune is a wider skill, and it is one that we here at JavaPerformanceTuning.com give you the ability to perform whether that be by using our 3,000+ tips; or by reading our recommended book "Java Performance Tuning, 2nd ed" with it's 300 tuning techniques; or by our excellent Java Performance Training Courses; or even just by keeping up to date by reading our monthly newsletters with their comprehensive focus on Java performance;
This month we've selected a diverse and interesting set of articles to extract tips from. GUIs (wait cursors); J2EE (session scopes, messaging EJBs, app-server tuning); performance management; several JVM and core classes tips; and a look forward to several of the classes due to become available with 1.5 and it's inclusion of the java.util.concurrent package.
In addition, we have our usual sections. Kirk's roundup covers micro-benchmarks, adaptive JVM advantages, McCabe Complexity, the shelf-life of tips, obfuscation, and more. Our interview this month is with Steven Haines, J2EE architect for Quest Software, who shares with us his expert knowledge of current performance issues. Our question of the month asks about the effectiveness of pooling objects. Javva The Hutt details how he set up his constant response-time production server; and, of course, we have many new performance tips extracted in concise form.
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