Java Performance Tuning
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News September 30, 2003
Get rid of your performance problems and memory leaks!
Get rid of your performance problems and memory leaks!
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Sun announced laying off another 1,000 personnel. Does this
matter to the Java world? Realistically, yes. Of course
Java is much bigger than Sun, and would continue without
them. But Sun still controls Java, still supports the core
packages, and still sets the direction for Java despite the
Java Community Process. For example, Java3D appears comatose,
with the final two Sun Java3D developers having been sacked
(see this month's news below). There will be other Java areas
that are affected too.
The problem is, Sun doesn't make enough money from Java. Come
on Sun, 3 million existing developers, more than half the
enterprise projects under development, you should be able to
come up with some way of making money out of that.
If you are one of our dozens of subscribers from IBM, there is a
good chance you didn't get the emailed version of this newsletter.
For some reason unknown to us, IBM rejects this newsletter,
possibly as spam. I've tried to ask IBM postmasters about
this, but get no response. If you can help us to help IBM
subscribers get this newsletter, please email me.
In November, we will be providing Java Performance Tuning training
in Hong Kong, at a customer site. If anyone else in Hong Kong
would like to arrange any training or consulting while we are
there, please contact us as soon as possible.
A note from this newsletter's sponsor
Brought to you by Veritas: Download your
"Risks of Performance Problems in J2EE Projects"
White Paper written by Jack Shirazi, Director of
We have all our usual sections, as well as the start of what
I hope to be a new regular addition, a monthly article on some
aspect of Java performance. This month Scot Mcphee writes
Timers and audio performance.
This is only the second article I have ever seen on Java audio
performance, and it is nice to be able to bring it to you.
If anyone else out there has a contribution they would
like to make to our new article section, I'd love to
hear from you.
In our other sections,
Kirk's roundup covers super computers, garbage collection
in microbenchmarks, not threading EJBs, capacity planning, the
variability of performance across systems, and more
This month's interview is with Frank Cohen, the creator of the
open source TestMaker webservices load tester. Our
question of the month asks if turning off assertions is a
bad practice.
Javva The Hutt has another installment of his diary, and
tells us about what to expect in the 1.7 JVM (that'd be around 2007
or 2008) and, of course, we have
many new performance tips extracted in concise form.
Java performance tuning related news.
- Now well known comment from Yahoo SiteBuilder lead engineer in discussion thread about this Java Swing product.
- 1.4.2 performance whitepaper
- eBay's services-driven network architecture
- TMC Releases Performance Case Study Results
- Gavin King of Hibernate offers $100 to anyone who can make handcoded JDBC faster than Hibernate generated JDBC.
- Benchmark comparing PHP, ASP and Java servlet performance for database access.
- Borland announces availability of ServerTrace DataCenter 2.0 J2EE monitor.
- JDBC Rowset Implementations
- Interesting discussion about Java games, slight reference to performance: "I'd especially like to ... turn on incremental and concurrent collection and adjust heap size min/maxes [at run time], and I'd really like to be able to specify a millisecond-resolution throttle on concurrent collection activity and ask it to make an incremental collection at a specific point in time, during a SwapBuffers. This is pretty important. I do other things besides games with Java - I'm doing something for Abu Dhabi TV right now using the LWJGL; they need a caption-generation system. Unfortunately, as it's live TV I'm not allowed to skip a single frame ever. It's pretty scary having to worry about GC occurring. And it's very noticeable when it does."
- Listing JSRs of interest to the performance community (163, 174, 133, 166).
- J3D looks like it may be dead, or at least comatose: "The final two developers working on Java3D have been sacked by Sun ... At this point Java3D is effectively dead"
- Wily announces study on Java Performance, calls for participation
- flash demo showing JDBInsight in action analyzing db transactions
A note from this newsletter's sponsor
Diagnose and resolve J2EE performance issues, now
even in production, with PerformaSure. Download the
META Group white paper, "Managing a J2EE World".
Recent Articles
See also our backlogged list of articles
which lists all those articles that are of interest to
the Java performance community, including those we have
not had a chance to extract the tips from.
Jack Shirazi
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Last Updated: 2024-08-26
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