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First off, I want to congratulate Kirk (Pepperdine), our roundup columnist and CTO here at JavaPerformanceTuning.com, for being appointed Enterprise editor at JDJ magazine. Well done Kirk. Have fun with the increased workload.
Moving on, two non-performance articles caught my eye this month because they both confirm how big Java is now. Firstly, Charlie Demerjian at The Inquirer talks a good story about how the I.T. industry is slowly moving away from Microsoft domination ( The IT industry is shifting away from Microsoft). And naturally I want to believe him since any shift away from Microsoft will naturally mean more cross-platform development which will inevitably favor Java. And let's face it, in the next ten years there are going to be some big winners, and some big losers in I.T, just as there have been every ten years in our fast moving industry. I'm completely confident in Java staying as one of the big winners, but I wouldn't bet on Microsoft being a big loser, at least not just yet. Microsoft has proved canny in the past at getting out of this kind of situation, so I wouldn't bet on them collapsing just yet.
The second article caught my eye for a different reason. I used to write Perl code. I enjoyed it and was good enough at it, but I got frustrated at the inability to strongly type things. I like to provide a contract API to other code, and Perl's strength ("there's more than one way to do it") was a severe weakness where I wanted strong typing. So apart from small scripting, I don't do anything serious in Perl. But I was interested in seeing Adam Turoff's view of "The State of Perl", to get an idea of where things lie. It was interesting reading, but most interesting of all was the question that was being answered: Can Perl compete with Java and .NET?. This is yet more proof that the current I.T. world is dominated by two giants, Java and .NET. Of course there is room for many more languages and systems, but it's just more proof that Java is going from strength to strength. Now that's a nice way to start 2004.
In the newsletter we list our usual raft of articles, tools, and more. We have all our usual sections, and also the promised first of a series of articles Fast Fail Iterators. Kirk's roundup covers session beans, timing distributed calls, garbage collection and more; Our interview this month is with Bela Ban, lead for JBossCache; And our question of the month asks about profiling J2EE applications
Javva The Hutt has a "wow!" moment, and gets visted by Agent Smith; we have a new performance tuning technique cartoon from our cartoonist "profiler"; and, of course, we have many new performance tips extracted in concise form.
Java performance tuning related news.
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