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James Gosling comments on sin() and cos() performance. The summary is that they are slow because of the implementation and he goes on to say "This error has tragically become un-fixable because of the compatibility requirements".

But I don't understand why that's the attitude, we already have java.lang.Math and java.lang.StrictMath, why can't we have java.lang.FastMath? There are no issues in doing so, it could clearly state that the impementation would provide a fast but slightly inaccurate implementation. Then, instead of James' tragic last comment "This is one of those area where no matter what we do, we're screwed.", he could say "This is one of those areas where we can please everyone at the same time".

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Find and fix Java performance problems
Proactively build better performance into your Java applications, and
rapidly diagnose and fix performance and memory issues. View our Demo.

Oh, and if anyone reading this has a hotline to James, do ask him to to please get rid of that background. Interesting it may be, but it makes the text much more difficult to read.

As usual in the newsletter we list our usual raft of articles, performance news, items and more. And, naturally, we have many new performance tips extracted in concise form.

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Multi-threaded applications offer a better user experience,
generally run faster, and allow better encapsulation.
They don't have to be as tricky as you think.



Jack Shirazi

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