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Great news, I can confirm I'm giving a free half day Java Performance Workshop in London on June 10, sponsored by ApplicationPerformance.com and AppDynamics!
I can't give these all that often due to lack of time, so if you are interested, best to catch this while you can. I am hoping to provide a useful and informative half day to anyone who can make it - I look forward to seeing you! If you can make it, please register using one of those links I've just listed above to the event sponsors.
In other news, SpringSource (owned by VMware) has bought Gemstone. This makes it clear that VMWare is trying to position itself in the hype sweet spot of the coming decade: Java+Cloud+Virtualization. VMWare needs a distributed cache to provide a decent offering in the Cloud, and Java is an essential offering for Cloud and Virtualization customers - the visibility you get with the JVM into execution profiles is now unsurpassed for any mainstream language in I.T.
This visibility was driven from our performance analysis needs, and the result combined with the excellent portability of applications that run on a JVM means that the JVM is the perfect layer for both the Cloud and Virtualized servers. It even allows the potential of one less layer - the JVM running directly on a VMWare offering without any other OS layer is a definite prospect. It amazes me how Java has been the right solution for so many challenges in I.T. After 15 years, Java is still the place to be.
Now on with this month's newsletter. We have all our usual Java performance tools, news, and article links. Over at fasterj we have a new cartoon about connection pools; Javva The Hutt tells us about the most impressive performance bug he has ever seen; and, as usual, we have extracted tips from all of this month's referenced articles.
Java performance tuning related news.
Java performance tuning related tools.
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