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Would you like a free ticket to JAX London? Short notice, I know it's in a couple of weeks, but I'm sure there are a few of you out there that can benefit from this, so I'm happy to pass on the offer from Application Performance - just register your details and win those tickets. Looks like a few interesting Java performance related sessions.
I trawl across a dynamically changing list of sites to obtain the articles and news we list in the newsletter. My usual trawl will generate probably a 100 links that I'll visit, of which around 50 turn out to have some kind of Java performance related content; of these maybe 30 are actually usable (i.e. they have at least one tip, news item, or tool that is of interest to the java performance community). I must admit to being fairly random about some of the items I include here; some are must reads that I absolutely would always include (Kirk and Heinz's articles this month are in that mould, in particular Heinz's AutoCloseable wrapper around Locks suggestion should definitely be passed around to everyone you know as a lovely suggestion to make code both more readable and more robust at the same time).
Other items I include are amongst the "good enough" but attract me for some random reason. Every few months some sites drop out of my standard trawl, and some other sites drop in to the list. That's been pretty steady apart from a couple of peaks of dropping out: a bigger one after the dot-bomb, and a smaller after the start of the credit crisis, both times when a more than usual number of sites dropped out. As a measure of interest and appeal into Java, I think this is as good as any. I guess what I'm saying is that I'm not seeing any change in the amount of interest or information generated about Java - it's as high as it ever was.
Now on with this month's newsletter and all our usual Java performance tools, news, and article links. Over at fasterj we have a new cartoon about flattening objects to reduce garbage; and, as usual, we have extracted tips from all of this month's referenced articles.
Java performance tuning related news.
Java performance tuning related tools.
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