Java Performance Tuning

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News May 2017

Get rid of your performance problems and memory leaks!

Modern Garbage Collection Tuning
Shows tuning flow chart for GC tuning

Java Performance Training Courses
COURSES AVAILABLE NOW. We can provide training courses to handle all your Java performance needs

Java Performance Tuning, 2nd ed
The classic and most comprehensive book on tuning Java

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Training online
Threading Essentials course

Get rid of your performance problems and memory leaks!

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I gave my Devoxx talk a few weeks ago. The slides are available and give you a fairly complete grounding (as much as can be complete in under an hour) in how to handle all the most common types of performance and memory problems.

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I point out in my talk that almost all the common performance and memory problems have known solutions. We know how to detect them (SLAs being broken, measurements in place, known tools and utilities, complete list referenced in my slides), we know how to analyse them (tools covered in my slides), we know how to fix them (almost certainly someone else has solved a similar problem and written about it - just don't do a naive search and take the first answer!).

Only concurrency problems and outliers are difficult. Outliers are the Google-scale problems of the world, or extreme low latency where you're measuring in nanoseconds. There are a lot of interesting talks around outliers, but for most developers they're just interesting, not useful, because the problems most developers encounter are the ones I show how to solve. And specifically for Java and the JVM: this combination has unrivalled visibility and tool support for solving problems - which is why large projects gravitate to Java. When another language environment has tools to deal with these issues as efficiently as you can in Java, that's when Java might have a real rival.

Now on to our usual links to articles, tools, news, talks, blogs. And if you need the tips from this month's articles and talks, as ever they are extracted into this month's tips page.


Java performance tuning related news.


Java performance tuning related tools.

A note from this newsletter's sponsor

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Jack Shirazi

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