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Modern development has for years been dominated by two factors: speed of development, and the costs of maintenance. This is the primary reason for Java's ongoing success, Java on the JVM is unparalleled in ease of maintenance compared to anything else mainstream out there. Think about how things develop:
1. The initial service creation - a lead guy and/or tiny team build this in whatever they are most used to building in, even off-the-shelf and plug-it-together-with-spit-and-glue components. Development speed is priority here, and nothing is faster to develop than a) what already does exactly what you want, and b) what you already have solid experience in building.
2. The service is successful and needs to scale/be faster/more robust, so you try to improve it using what it is built in. You'll be successful, up to a point. But either you can't scale it beyond that point without massive effort, or you discover that scaling it is possible but very very expensive because of the resources and/or operational overheads it now needs. You look for reasonable-cost mature alternatives that can handle that scale/latency. You find that you have Java as the only real option - C/C++ is an option if you can acquire hugely experienced developers, as these are the only C/C++ developers that won't spend much more time debugging weird seg-faults than actually developing the application. Everything else is much much riskier - Java provides top quality development environments and tools, extensive libraries, a huge and dedicated expert community, a large pool of reasonable priced developers, fabulous performance, massive scalability, excellent multi-core support, and the JVM provides unmatched observability and high reliability. The combination is easily the most reasonable cost maintainable option for you.
3. Consequently most of the time you choose to re-write the service in Java, like many many other hugely successful websites and services.
Now on to some of those excellent tools and libraries, and news, articles, and talks from our extensive community. And of course the tips from this month's articles and talks, as ever are extracted into this month's tips page.
Java performance tuning related news.
Java performance tuning related tools.
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