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This month I'm going to focus on what garbage collection (GC) tuning looks like now, because it's changed dramatically. If you haven't been keeping yourself up to date, you might still think GC tuning is knowing dozens of arcane flags requiring you to understand obscure things like biased locking, remembered sets, remark phases, and so on. But modern JVM GC tuning has much simpler options to get you where these arcane flags used to get you to. I give details in my recent blog.
It's changed because with 12 garbage collectors to choose from, your primary tuning option is now to select the algorithm rather than the old "tweaking the algorithm" way. This is a much much easier tuning process. Of course you can still do the additional algorithm tweaking to get even more from your chosen collector if you want - but the point is that most applications that only had the old option in the past to get adequate performance, can now get there taking the much simpler "choose the right algorithm" tuning path.
In Practical JVM GC tuning for everyone I give a full decision flow chart on how to tune your garbage collector this modern way, (note if you hit the medium "pay wall" because you've read too many medium articles, just open it in an incognito window).
Now on to articles focusing on GC tuning, as well as tools and news; and of course all the useful performance tips in from those GC tuning related articles are extracted into this month's tips page.
Java performance tuning related news
Java performance tuning related tools.
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