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This month the newsletter should be all about Java 20, as that is released next month (every 6 months prior to each new release I review the new upcoming performance features, you can track back to the previous February and August newsletters if you want to see what's new performance-wise in any particular release). But Java 20 is too light on performance changes to focus the newsletter on it, so I'll quickly cover the main points and still have all the usual news, tools and article links.
Java 20 features are all incubator (Scoped Values, Structured Concurrency) and preview (Virtual Threads, Record Patterns, Foreign Function & Memory API, Switch Pattern Matching) ones. Hopefully the previews will be full features in the Java 21 LTS later this year. Other than that, there are some minor G1 GC changes (additional GarbageCollectorMXBean stats, improved control of concurrent refinement threads, disabling default of preventive GCs); and HTTP timeouts (HttpClient default Keep Alive time to 30 Seconds, idle connection timeouts for HTTP/2).
Now on to all the usual newsletter list of links, tips, tools, news and articles, and as usual I've extracted all the tips into this month's tips page
Java performance tuning related news
Java performance tuning related tools
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