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eBPF based continuous profiling of your system has been possible for years, but it's only now that we can see it easily producing Java stack traces from a simple install. The donation of Elastic's mature eBPF continuous profiling agent to OpenTelemetry means that on any Unix system, for a 1% overhead, you can see stack traces of all Java apps including both native and Java stack entries. (Note I currently work in the Elastic Java agent team). You also get other language specific traces.
Because this will become easy, low cost, and very useful, this OpenTelemetry eBPF profiling agent will become widespread. But while it's very useful, at least for now this is limited tech. That's because this profiling is currently only CPU profiling. The other types of common profiling that we need for our Java apps - wall clock, lock, contention, allocation, GC, IO - are not available (yet). It's fantastically useful tech for identifying some types of problems, but it's not a replacement for general profilers. Nevertheless it's definitely something you should know about.
For a look at how those eBPF profiles can be used, see our first news item below ... and continue to all the usual newsletter list of links, tips, tools, news and articles. And as usual I've extracted all the Java performance and memory tips into this month's tips page
Java performance tuning related news
Java performance tuning related tools
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