Java Performance Tuning
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Tips November 2021
Get rid of your performance problems and memory leaks!
Get rid of your performance problems and memory leaks!
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Tradeoffs, Bad Science, and Polar Bears: The World of Java Optimisation (Page last updated November 2021, Added 2021-11-29, Author Holly Cummins, Publisher Accento). Tips:
- Faster responses correlate directly to revenue in many industries, especially for online trading, and for websites that generate revenue from their web presence.
- Useful performance measures include: throuput (transactions/requests per second); response time; start-up time; ramp-up time; footprint; CPU usage.
- In the cloud, the footprint matters and is most likely the limiting factor in minimizing cost of a JVM application.
- A significant fraction of workloads (30% by some estimates) are "zombie" workloads which are using resources but are no longer needed - they just have been forgotten to be removed!
- Repeatedly compacting during GCs is bad for minimizing pause times, but good for optimizing throughput.
- Useful performance advice: GCs can improve performance (by rearranging the heap); find the bottleneck (tuning anything else is a waste of effort); Validate advice as it can be out of date (or wrong).
- Out of date advice include: making big methods; reusing objects; particular command line options are more effective; use StringBuilder for concatenation.
- Almost all the time, readability is more important than performance.
- clean and typical code is optimized much better by the JVM than strange looking code.
- outliers matter more than averages sometimes - it depends on which impacts the customers more.
- there is a moral imperative to minimize energy and hardware use, to help the world.
Interesting Garbage collection patterns (Page last updated October 2021, Added 2021-11-29, Author Ram Lakshmanan, Publisher yCrash). Tips:
- A healthy application has a GC pattern which is a saw-tooth GC pattern with tops and bottoms of the saw-tooths at consistent values. If the bottom value is a large memory value, this could indicate caching a lot - perhaps too much, and a memory analysis might help to reduce this.
- A continuous memory leak typically shows a GC pattern with the heap after GCs gradually and continuously increasing.
- A sequence of full GCs very close together (consecutive full GC) is indicative of heap being too small, or a memory leak. If the heap recovers to a lower value, it could have been a traffic spike.
- A sudden spike in memory use followed by continuous full GCs is indicative of memory leak triggered by something.
No GC coding techniques for low latency Java (Page last updated November 2019, Added 2021-11-29, Author Ivan Zvieriev, Publisher JDD). Tips:
- Latency causes: slow external resources (like db calls); inefficient algorithms; inefficient data structures; communications; JVM activities.
- Singletons are by definition reused, so are useful for low latency no-gc coding. They have issues, Enums are a good solution to any of the problems.
- The flyweight pattern (using static methods to create objects, potentially using a cached instance) reduces object creation/memory consumption so are useful for low latency no-gc coding.
- presizing collections to their largest used size eliminates object copying from collection resizing so are useful for low latency no-gc coding.
- Primitive type collections avoid object boxing/unboxing so are useful for low latency no-gc coding.
- Using StringBuilder instead of Strings eliminates many String object creations so are useful for low latency no-gc coding.
- Enums instead of Strings eliminates creating many String copies so are useful for low latency no-gc coding, but avoid Enum.values().
- guard logging statements (if(log.level == DEBUG) ...) eliminates creating unneeded objects so are useful for low latency no-gc coding.
- Reusing objects reduces object creation so are useful for low latency no-gc coding, but you now have mutable objects so you have to handle the concurrency issues.
- Desigining each service as single-threaded is useful for low latency no-gc coding.
Jack Shirazi
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Last Updated: 2025-01-27
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