Java Performance Tuning
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JDBC profiling performance tips
Get rid of your performance problems and memory leaks!
Get rid of your performance problems and memory leaks!
The following pages have their detailed tips extracted below
The following detailed tips have been extracted from the raw tips page
Measuring JDBC performance (Page last updated December 2001, Added 2001-12-26, Author Jack Shirazi, Publisher OnJava). Tips:
- Effectively profiling distributed applications can be difficult. I/O can show up as significant in profiling, simply because of the nature of a distributed application.
- It can be unclear whether threads blocking on reads and writes are part of a significant bottleneck or simply a side issue.
- When profiling, it is usually worthwhile to have separate measurements available for the communication subsystems.
- Wrapping the JDBC classes provides an effective technique for measuring database calls.
- [Article discusses how to create JDBC wrapers to measure the performance of database calls].
- If more than a few rows of a query are being read, then the method can spend a significant amount of time fetching rows from the database, and this time should be included in measurements of database access.
- JDBC wrappers are simple and robust, and require very little alteration to the application using them (i.e, are low maintenance), so they are suitable to be retained within a deployed application.
Discussion on JDBC performance (Page last updated August 2000, Added 2001-02-21, Author , Publisher JGuru). Tips:
Chapter 19, "Performance" of Java Programming with Oracle JDBC (Page last updated December 2001, Added 2001-12-26, Author Donald Bales, Publisher O'Reilly). Tips:
- Performance should be considered at the start of a project.
- Use the EXPLAIN PLAN facility to explain how the database's optimizer plans to execute your SQL statements, to identify performance improvements such as additional indexes.
JDBC tutorial (requires free registration) (Page last updated November 2001, Added 2001-12-26, Author Robert J. Brunner, Publisher IBM). Tips:
- Use setLogWriter() (from Driver, DataSource, or ConnectionPooledDataSource; from JDBC3.0) to help trace JDBC flow.
- Use Connection.nativeSQL() to see how the SQL query will execute in the database to help ensure that the SQL is optimized.
Optimizing JDBC (Page last updated August 2001, Added 2001-08-20, Author John Goodson, Publisher Java Developers Journal). Tips:
- Use getBestRowIndentifier() to determine the optimal set of columns to use in the Where clause for updating data. (The columns returned could be pseudo-columns that can provide pointers to the exact location of the data, and are not obtained by getColumns().)
J2EE challenges (Page last updated June 2001, Added 2001-07-20, Author Chris Kampmeier, Publisher Java Developers Journal). Tips:
- Performance test various options, for example, test both Type 2 and Type 4 JDBC drivers; Use a load-generation tool to simulate moderate loads; monitor the server to identify resource utlization.
Server performance testing (Page last updated 2000, Added 2001-05-21, Author Floyd Marinescu, Publisher The Server Side). Tips:
- Response time increasing too much when database is over populated probably indicates lack of or inappropriate indexing on the database.
- Response time increasing exponentially as load increases, you need to improve scalability by optimizing the application or adding resources.
- Use SQL clause with EXPLAIN or similar (e.g. "Explain select * from table where tablefield = somevalue") to ensure that the database is doing an indexed search rather than a linear searches of large datasets.
Last Updated: 2025-01-27
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